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[New Age] Various Artists - Zen Relaxation Series II (音乐舒压进阶版) (2010) (5CD) [WAV]

Posted by TUE on Apr 27, 2011 with 5 Comments
Various Artists - Zen Relaxation Series II (音乐舒压进阶版) (2010) (5CD)
| WAV+CUE | 2.02GB | New Age, Healing, Instrumental | Wind Music |
Following up on the widely-influential 2009 study of the relationship between brain waves and music, in 2010 Wind Music and the Inner Connection Music Association carried out a study on how listening to music effects people’s autonomic nervous system, in the hope that by integrating professional selection of music and scientific verification, it would be possible to gain a professional understanding of the effect of music on the mind and body.

Tested and verified by a team of the Taiwan’s top authorities on the autonomic nervous system using the most advanced scientific instrument, the Yin Yang Instrument.

The most simple and convenient way for people under high stress to bring back a harmonious body rhythm.

The sympathetic nervous system is tension and activity oriented, designed to drive energetic action. The parasympathetic nervous system is rest and recuperation oriented, designed to create a happy, relaxed feeling. When the two reach equilibrium, the body and mind can maintain a state of healthy, happy vigor.

TCD-3208 - Stimulating Vitality (激發旺盛生命力)
For those with over-stimulated parasympathetic nervous systems, it can inhibit the parasympathetic nervous system.
01 - 歡舞 Dancing Flute ...4:16
02 - 河濱鐵馬樂 Riverside Bicycling ...4:09
03 - 流浪者 Wanderer ...4:39
04 - 貓樂園 Keeping You Accompanied ...2:29
05 - 好天氣 A Sunny Day ...4:05
06 - 豐收歌 Song Of Harvest ...5:16
07 - 飛翔的泡泡 Flying Bubbles ...5:04
08 - 戈爾韋吹笛手 Galway Piper ...3:47
09 - 天使熱愛的生活 Ariadna ...4:16
10 - 卡拉布列亞的陽光 Sunshine Of Calabria ...4:43
11 - 天之光 (激揚版) Light Of The Sky ...6:10
12 - 秋光奏鳴曲 Prelude Of The Autumn Party ...3:47

TCD-3209 - Energetic Rhythm (搖擺活力)
For those with strong parasympathetic nervous systems, it can moderately add to their sympathetic, yang energy, making their spirits pure and crisp, just like brand new.
01 - 天地一沙鷗 Flying Seagulls Across The Oceans ...4:42
02 - 微笑星球 Songs Of Whales ...4:45
03 - 早鳥 Early Bird ...4:20
04 - 麻雀之舞 Dance Of The Sparrows ...3:12
05 - 鯨魚在唱歌 Sparkling Smiling ...3:59
06 - 中山北路 Zhong Shan North Road ...4:37
07 - 陽光舞甜橙 Bossa Sweet Orange ...3:31
08 - 微笑天堂 Smiles In Heaven ...3:40
09 - 夏夜晚風 Summer Dreams ...3:24
10 - 橘色溫度 If You Were By My Side ...3:33
11 - 迷路 Lost In The City ...4:07
12 - 哩程數未滿 Not Enough Miles For Redemption ...5:04

TCD-3210 - Harmonious Balance (幸福運轉中)
The gentle melodies and steady, harmonious rhythms keep the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems operating in balance.
01 - 日光印象 Sunny Impression ...4:13
02 - Cafe的窗外 By The Window Of A Café ...2:03
03 - 流過城市一條溫柔的河 Dolce River Goes Through The City ...4:42
04 - 湖岸月光 Ripples In The Moonlight ...4:26
05 - 水雲間 (平衡版) Between Water And Clouds ~ Taian Hot Spring ...5:40
06 - 水鳥之歌 (平衡版) Songs Of Water Birds ...7:02
07 - 逐浪 Chasing The Waves ...3:54
08 - 那年夏天的海 Ocean Of That Year In Summer ...4:38
09 - 水車 (平衡版) Water Wheel ...4:24
10 - 那不勒斯藍色夜 Neapoli Blue Night ...5:56
11 - 在河之洲 Islet On The River ...3:37
12 - 風的遊戲 Wind's Game ...6:45

TCD-3211 - A Calming Pace For The Spirit (心靈慢轉彎)
For people who, because of their strong sympathetic nervous systems, are easily irritated or can’t calm down.
01 - 初生之心 The New Born Heart ...7:41
02 - 春天的歌 Spring Glamour ...2:51
03 - 落在淡水的月光 Au Claire De La Lune ...2:14
04 - 心的方向 The Way Of The Hear ...6:23
05 - 花舞 Dancing Flowers ...5:09
06 - 雙手的溫柔 Tender Hands ...5:55
07 - 追憶似水年華 Remembrance Of Things Past ...4:06
08 - 普羅旺斯的山居 Living By The Hills ...4:23
09 - 金系spa (安撫版) Metal Element Spa ...11:31
10 - 存在 Existence ...4:44
11 - 弄雲 Playing With Clouds ...3:40

TCD-3212 - Extended Tranquility (舒舒服服鬆到底)
For people who have over-stimulated sympathetic nervous systems, it can strengthen the yin energy of their parasympathetic nervous systems.
01 - 如詩般寧靜 (鋼琴長版) Poetic Serenity ...5:24
02 - 柔軟的水滴 The Soft Water Drop ...7:23
03 - 空靈之境 A Sublime State ...8:12
04 - 花的冥想 Floral Meditation ...11:00
05 - 海的呼吸 Breathing Of Ocean ...7:44
06 - 平衡紓壓 (鬆放版) Balance & Relaxation ...27:34

5Files | CM | BD | MG | Demo | vnltue

Other Albums:
Zen Relaxation Series I (2008) (5CD) [APE]
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Tools - MusicScope - Spek - CUETools - WinRAR - XRECODE

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  1. Hi bạn,

    Bạn có thể re-up album này được không? Các link đều die cả rồi.
    Cám ơn bạn nhiều

    1. @Trúc Dương: Đã cập nhật lại link mới cho 10CD "Zen Relaxation I&II".

  2. Thank bác rất nhiều, hôm trước đã load về đủ bộ rồi mà hôm nay xem lại thiếu mất đúng album này.
    (>w<) (>w<)

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    1. If you are using an old version of WinRAR (< v5), it is not able to unpack the RAR5 archive format. Therefore, please upgrade to the latest version of WinRAR before extracting files.
      Download here:

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